DI Khan Lot comprises of unserved areas in Tank, DI Khan, and FR DI Khan. Total Mauza in DI Khan Lot are 510 with approximate rural population of 1.69 million. About 66% of the mauza are un-served that covers 41% of rural population of this lot.
Universal Service Fund and Telenor entered in the contract to provide basic telephony and data services to the mass population in un-served areas of DI Khan Lot on January 26, 2018.
Auction Details:
Lot ID:Lot ID: BSD/LOT22C-DI KHAN/2017Advertised On:22nd May 2017Bidders Registered:1. Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd. (PMCL)
2. Pak Telecom Mobile Limited (PTML)
3. Telenor Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.Opening of Qualification & Services Proposals:Following registered bidders submitted their Qualification & Services and Subsidy Proposals on 27th September 2017;1. Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd. (PMCL)
2. Pak Telecom Mobile Limited (PTML)3. Telenor Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.Financial Bid Opening of Technically Qualified Bidders:All bidders were declared Technically Qualified and Financial Bids were opened on 2nd November 2017. Subsidy requested is as follows;BidderCapex Subsidy (PKR)Opex Subsidy (PKR)1- PMCL1,421,305,227/-124,628,454/-2- PTML899,000,000/--3- Telenor502,735,462/-93,883,876/-Result:M/s Telenor was declared as the lowest qualified bidder and contract, worth Pak Rs. 596,619,338/-, was signed with Telenor Pakistan on 26th January 2018.Current Status:Project Status:Under implementationTargets Achieved:
Project Work Progress:
ContractedCoveredAudited335287287Technical Audit:
Offer DateAudit Start DateAudit Completion DateTA of Milestone 1 (25% work)05-Sep-1805-Nov-1818-Nov-18TA of Milestone 2 (50% work)04-Dec-1819-Feb-1917-Mar-19TA of Milestone 3 (75% work)23-Jan-1918-Mar-1903-May-19TA of Milestone 4 (100% work)27-May-201930-May-201923-June-2019Comments:
Information PackageInformation Package can be downloaded from here