Establishment of Telecenters is an initiative being launched by Universal Service Fund to provide and expand the benefits of ICT facilities to the people in rural areas. Telecenter will be a community resource center that will provide public with access to telecommunication services. Telecenters have the potential to provide e-services, distance learning and create employment opportunities, among various other benefits like bridging the digital divide. Each Telecenter will be connected to internet through high speed broadband, powered through renewable energy and equipped with computers and other essential network elements (printer/scanner/copier/fax, etc). Telecenter will offer basic access to internet and computers to the community; provide space to NADRA for offering NADRA / Domicile / CNIC, and mobile phone operators for SIM verification; and other E-services.
First Lot of the project contains ten Telecenters across Pakistan. The project has been awarded to M/S Pakistan Mobile Communication Limited and in currently in implementation phase.