Faisalabad Telecom Region (FTR) consists of the following districts:
1. Faisalabad
2. Jhang
3. Sargodha
4. Toba Tek Singh
5. Khushab
6. Bhakkar
7. Mianwali
FTR has a total area of 44,275 Sq Kms, a total population of approx 19.4M (i.e. 12.1% of Total Population of Pakistan) and a population density of 440 Persons/SqKms. Faisalabad is the largest district of the said region, it is considered the industrial hub of Pakistan. The Cellular Tele-density for the Region is approx 53%. Narrow band Internet services are available through multiple operators in all the districts, either through Narrowband Pops or Virtual Pops. Broadband coverage is available at the central areas of the city of Faisalabad, the rest of the region has no broadband availability. Through this project, initially 72,500 broadband connections will be provided by PTCL and 16,500 by Wateen Telecom. A major highlight of this project will be establishment of more than 250 Educational Broadband Centres in all the High Schools and Colleges in these towns and cities, besides more than 105 community broadband centres will be set up which will provide broadband to those who cannot afford their own computers.
Auction Detail:
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Pre-Bid Information Package |
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